Ekspedisi Sungai Nusantara

#Breaking News #EkspedisiSungaiNusantara This is a journey to visit rivers in Indonesia, a collaboration between researchers, journalists and communities to inspect the health of Indonesian rivers.

Documenting the fate of 68 rivers polluted by sewage and Microplastics.

Starting from Sumatra to Papua, this expedition invites people to protect rivers, emphasizes the role of the state to maintain and restore rivers in Indonesia.

Stay tuned for this expedition which will start on March 1st 2022.

Support our journey visiting Indonesian rivers through ECOTON account: BNI

0166878996 – ECOTON.

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Our Mission

ECOTON (Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation) missions to conduct environmental research, education, and advocacy to support participatory and Integrated Water Resource Management in Indonesian Rivers. Since 2000, ECOTON develops programs on water quality monitoring, water pollution control, riverbank degradation control, also upstream forest and water springs conservation. ECOTON is developing riparian habitat restoration program to improve bank stability in the Fish Sanctuary Area of Surabaya River. ECOTON’s programs aims to preserve clean water and diversity in fish and other flora and fauna, protect free flowing rivers, develop natural flood infrastructure, and protect the health and livelihoods for wetlands dependent communities.

ECOTON runs environmental education and awareness campaigns to encourage community participation in river conservation. We provide community service for river pollution complaint and investigate complaints of water pollution and riverbank degradation. ECOTON continues to provide opportunities for community participation in river monitoring, and bridge communications between the community, environmental labs, and governing bodies. ECOTON facilitates consultations and negotiations with actors in civil society and governing bodies that are key for achieving a social accord on water management.

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Terwujudnya Kelestarian Keragaman Hayati dan Keberlanjutan Fungsi Lingkungan Hidup Bagi Manusia, Melalui Pengelolaan Ekosistem Sunga Dan Lahan Basah Berkeadilan Dan Partisipatif

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